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OMG! Dodgems! - on the common! Blackheath

OMG! Dodgems! - on the common! Blackheath


'Do you remember when......?'....I do...

Another birthday! Wanted to do something out of the ordinary ...and so when we saw a poster showing that the circus was coming to town, well we just had to go. I’d never ever been to the circus.


Of course it was no longer ‘the greatest show on earth’. The clowns were not as funny as James Stewart & the horses, well, overworked & underpaid! However it was outside at the fair, at the site & sound of the brightly coloured dodgems, that nostalgia hit home.


When, like 2 teens, we each stepped into our individual cars, for a split second slightly awkward yet strangely fond memories of my youth came flooding in. Back then I was one of the ‘sideliners’ watching the coats, money, holding the half eaten toffee apple belonging to the good looking best friend. Watching the courting couples & ‘hip gang members’ of the opposite sex enacting strange sensual flirtatious rituals on the dodgem floor. Think Grease!


Several years on, I was now one of the courting insiders...ah! Time really is a healer!

London SE3 / ©2013

  • Re Mounted Prints

    Please note that the size stated refers to the size of the mount not the image/print size:

    28x20ins (70x50cms) mount with an 18x12ins (45x30cms) central image/print.
    16x12ins (40x30cms) mount with a 9x6ins (22x15cms) central image/print.

    The mount sizes are the same as the metric frame sizes you will go on to purchase for your mounted prints - be they standard shelf selections from high stores or custom made from your local art framer.

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