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St Paul's Cathedral - Backstreet (Peeps Rt)

St Paul's Cathedral - Backstreet (Peeps Rt)


Generally I try to steer clear of shooting iconic buildings – mainly because practically every man, woman and their lapradiddledoodle has probably taken a snap at ‘her’. I’m not a nun, I just couldn’t resist. It’s one of my favourites too.


I wanted to create & offer an image which oozed a strong sense of nostalgia not dissimilar to that traditionally associated with the old b&w classics. An image which, although being viewed in present time subconsciously transports observers back into another era, time & space. A time which is not just a historical reminder but also a personal one.


Love people thinking that it was taken 50 odd years ago and then seeing their eyes light up as a closer look reveals the contemporary give aways.


I also love the way in which, whenever this piece of artwork is viewed ‘in person’, passersby are literally stopped in their tracks. And the way in which, always without prompt or suggestion and with great passion & emotion, they freely begin to share their fond memories, their stories of the times they, friends or family members worked, walked, visited, met, ‘played’ around... there...


Moments of contemporary nostalgia at its best and exactly the effect I’d envisaged creating for those of you fond of ‘the old girl’ and in love with b&w imagery.


London EC4/ ©2009


  • Re Mounted Prints

    Please note that the size stated relates to the size of the mount not the image/print size:

    28x20ins (70x50cms) mount with an 18x12ins (45x30cms) central image/print.
    16x12ins (40x30cms) mount with a 9x6ins (22x15cms) central image/print.

    The mount sizes are the same as the metric frame sizes you will go on to purchase for your mounted prints - be they standard shelf selections from high stores or custom made from your local art framer.

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